Friday, 30 September 2016

XenMobile 10.x

XenMobile 10.x

Supported NetScaler Gateway versions:
10.5.x MR
10.1.x MR

XenMobile client components generally follow these compatibility requirements:
The latest versions of Worx Home and the MDX Toolkit are compatible with the latest version of XenMobile server and the two most recent versions before that.

The latest version of the MDX Tookit, and the two most recent versions before that, are compatible with the most recent versions of Worx Home and Worx Mobile Apps.

To take advantage of new features, fixes, and policy updates, Citrix recommends that you install the most recent version of the MDX Toolkit, Worx Home, and Worx Mobile apps for the best experience.

Worx Home versions earlier than 10.0.3 are compatible but not supported.

1 Windows Phone 10 is not supported on XenMobile server 10.1.
2In earlier releases, the Worx version of QuickEdit was named WorxEdit and the Worx version of ShareConnect was named WorxDesktop. Both the MDX and non-MDX versions now have the same names: QuickEdit and ShareConnect.
3 The download page includes a separate version of ShareFile Worx for iOS that is required for use with restricted StorageZones.

Browser Support
XenMobile 10.x supports the following browsers:
Internet Explorer*
Safari on mobile devices for use with the Self Help Portal.

XenMobile 10.x is compatible with the most current version of the browser and one version prior to the current version.
*XenMobile 10.x does not support Internet Explorer version 9 and earlier.

XenMobile 9
XenMobile 9 includes Device Manager 9.0 and App Controller 9.0.
Supported NetScaler Gateway versions:
10.5.x MR
10.1.x MR

XenMobile client components generally follow these compatibility requirements:
The latest version of Worx Home and the MDX Toolkit are compatible with the last two versions of
XenMobile server.
The latest version of the MDX Toolkit is compatible with the latest Worx Mobile Apps.
Recent MDX Toolkit versions are compatible with the following versions of Worx Home:

1 Previously, the Worx version of QuickEdit was named WorxEdit and the Worx version of ShareConnect was named WorxDesktop. As of the latest releases, both the MDX and non-MDX versions have the same names: QuickEdit and ShareConnect.

2 The download page includes a separate version of ShareFile Worx for iOS that is required for use with restricted StorageZones.

Device Manager 8.7.1 and App Controller 2.10
Supported NetScaler Gateway versions: and

Supported client versions:
* MDX Toolkit 2.3 and 2.2.1 do not support WorxNotes.
** Not applicable

Device Manager 8.6.1 and App Controller 2.9
Supported NetScaler Gateway version:
Supported client versions:
* MDX Toolkit 2.2.1 does not support WorxNotes.
** Not applicable

Thursday, 29 September 2016

XenMobile support

XenMobile support

For details on how to access supported related information and tools in the XenMobile console, see XenMobile support and Maintenance.

Supporting Mobile Platforms in XenMobile Cloud

After you make a request for a XenMobile Cloud instance, you can, if you like, begin preparing to support Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. As you complete the steps that apply to your environment, keep the information handy so you can use it when configuring settings in the XenMobile console.

Note that these requirements are a subset of the overall communication and port requirements that make up the XenMobile Cloud onboarding process. For details, see XenMobile Cloud prerequisites and administation.


- Create Google Play credentials. For details, see Google Play Getting Started with Publishing.
- Create an Android for Work administrator account. For details, see Managing Devices with Adroid for Work in Xenmobile.
- Verify your domain name with Google. For details, see Verify your domain for Google Apps.
- Enable APIs and create a service account for Android for Work. For details, see Google for Work Adroid.


- Create an Apple ID and developer account. For details, see the Apple Developer Program website.
- Create an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate. For details, see the Apple Push Certificates Portal.
- Create a Volume Purchase Program (VPP) company token. For details, see Apple Volume Purchasing Program.


- Create a Microsoft Windows Store developer account. For details, see the Microsoft Windows Dav Center.
- Obtain a Microsoft Windows Store Publisher ID. For details, see the Microsoft Windows Dav Center.
- Acquire an enterprise certificate from Symantec. For details, see the Microsoft Windows Dav Center.
- Create an Application Enrollment Token (AET). For details, see the Microsoft Windows Dav Center.

System Requirements

To run XenMobile 10, you need the following minimum system requirements:

- One of the following:
XenServer (supported versions: 6.2.x, 6.1.x, or 6.0.x); for details, refer to XenServer
VMWare (supported versions: ESXi 4.1, ESXi 5.1, or ESXi 5.5); for details, refer to VMware
Hyper-V (supported versions: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server
2012 R2); for details, refer to Hyper-V
- Dual core processor
- Two virtual CPUs
- 4 GB of RAM
- 50 GB disk space

The recommended configuration for 10,000 devices is the following:

- Quad core processor
- 8 GB of RAM

NetScaler Gateway System Requirements

To run NetScaler Gateway with XenMobile 10, you need the following minimum system requirements:

- XenServer, VMWare, or Hyper-V
- Two virtual CPUs
- 2 GB of RAM
- 20 GB disk space

You also need to be able to communicate with Active Directory, which requires a service account. You only need query and read access.

XenMobile 10 Database Requirements

The XenMobile repository requires a Microsoft SQL Server database running on one of the following supported versions:

- Microsoft SQL Server 2014
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Citrix XenMobile supports SQL Always on availability group and SQL Clustering for database high availability. Citrix does not support database mirroring for XenMobile database high availability. We do support database high availability with Active/Active or Active Passive mode with MS SQL Cluster deployment..

Citrix recommends using Microsoft SQL remotely. PostgreSQL is included with XenMobile and should be used locally or remotely only in test environments.

XenMobile Compatibility

This article summarizes the versions of the supported XenMobile components that you can integrate, including NetScaler Gateway and the version of the MDX Toolkit needed to wrap, configure, and distribute Worx Mobile Apps.

Quick links to sections in this article:

- XenMobile 10.x
- XenMobile 9
- Device Manager 8.7.1 and App Controller 2.10
- Device Manager 8.6.1 and App Controller 2.9

Thursday, 22 September 2016




XenMobile supports Amazon Kindle devices -- such as Kindle Fire Phone and HD 8.9รข€• (Zen561) -- running Fire OS 3.0 and earlier versions running proprietary operating systems based on Android. Note, however, that the MDX Toolkit and Worx apps versions 10.3 do not supportAmazing Kindle devices.


XenMobile 10.3

XenMobile 10.3 does not support Symbian.

These are some of the Symbian devices XenMobile 10.1 and 10 support. In XenMobile 10, they're supported for device management only:XenMobile 10 and 10.1

-Symbian 3
-Symbian S60 5th Edition
-Symbian S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2
-Symbian S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1
-Symbian S60 3rd Edition
-Symbian S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 3
-Symbian S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 2

Management of BlackBerry devices is provided through XenMobile Mail Manager. For details, see
Mail Manager.

Port Requirements
To enable devices and apps to communicate with XenMobile, you need to open specific ports in your firewalls. The following tables list the ports that must be open.

Opening Ports for NetScaler Gateway and XenMobile to Manage Apps
You must open the following ports to allow user connections from Worx Home, Citrix Receiver, and the NetScaler Gateway Plug-in through NetScaler Gateway to XenMobile, StoreFront, XenDesktop, the XenMobile NetScaler Connector, and to other internal network resources, such as intranet websites.