Sign the CSR
Before you can submit the certificate to Apple, it needs to be signed by Citrix so it can be used with XenMobile.
1. In your browser, go to the website.
2. Click Upload the CSR.
3. Browse to and select the certificate.
4. On the XenMobile APNs CSR Signing page, click Sign. The CSR is signed and automatically saved to your configured download folder.
To submit the signed CSR to Apple to obtain the APNs certificate
After receiving your signed Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from Citrix, you need to submit it to Apple to obtain the APNs certificate.
1. Click Create a Certificate.
2. If this is the first time you are creating a certificate with Apple, select the I have read and agree to these terms and conditions check box and then click Accept.
3. Click Choose File, browse to the signed CSR on your computer and then click Upload. A confirmation message should appear stating that the upload is successful.
4. Click Download to retrieve the .pem certificate.
To create a .pfx APNs certificate by using Microsoft IIS
To use the APNs certificate from Apple with XenMobile, you need to complete the certificate request in Microsoft IIS, export the certificate as a PCKS #12 (.pfx) file and then import the APNs certificate into XenMobile.
Important: You need to use the same IIS server for this task as the server you used to generate the CSR.
1. Open Microsoft IIS.
2. Click the Server Certificates icon.
3. In the Server Certificates window, click Complete Certificate Request.
4. Browse to the Certificate.pem file from Apple. Then, type a friendly name or the certificate name and click OK.
5. Select the certificate that you identified in Step 4 and then click Export.
6. Specify a location and file name for the .pfx certificate and a password and then click OK.
7. Copy the .pfx certificate to the server on which XenMobile will be installed.
8. Sign on to the XenMobile console as an administrator or as a user with access to the About tab.
9. Click the About tab and then click Update APNs Certificate.
10. In the Update APNs Certificate dialog box, browse to the APNs certificate .pfx file on your computer and then enter a new password.
11. Click Load APNs Certificate.
12. Click Update.
To create a .pfx APNs certificate on a Mac computer
1. On the same Mac computer running Mac OS X that you used to generate the CSR, locate the Production identity (. pem) certificate that you received from Apple.
2. Double-click the certificate file to import the file into the keychain.
3. If you are prompted to add the certificate to a specific keychain, keep the default login keychain selected and then click OK. The newly added certificate will appear in your list of certificates.
4. Click the certificate and then on the File menu, click Export to begin exporting the certificate into a PCKS #12 (.pfx) certificate.
5. Give the certificate file a unique name for use with the XenMobile server, choose a folder location for the saved certificate, select the .pfx file format and then click Save.
6. Enter a password for exporting the certificate. Citrix recommends that you use a unique, strong password. Also, be sure to keep the certificate and password safe for later use and reference.
7. The Keychain Access application will prompt you for the login password or selected keychain. Enter the password and then click OK. The saved certificate is now ready for use with the XenMobile server.
To create a .pfx APNs certificate by using OpenSSL
After you use OpenSSL to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), you can also use OpenSSL to create a .pfx APNs certificate.
1. At a command prompt or shell, execute the following command.
openssl pkcs12 -export -in MDM_Zenprise_Certificate.pem -inkey Customer.key.pem -out apns_identity. p12
2. Enter a password for the .pfx certificate file. Remember this password because you need to use the password again when you upload the certificate to XenMobile.
3. Note the location for the .pfx certificate file and then copy the file to the XenMobile server, so you can use the XenMobile console to upload the file.
To import an APNs certificate into XenMobile
After you have requested and received a new APNs certificate, you import the APNs certificate into XenMobile to either add the certificate for the first time or to replace an existing certificate.
1. Sign on to the XenMobile console as an administrator.
2. Click Configure > Settings > Certificates.
3. On the Certificates page, click Import. The Import dialog box appears.
4. Browse to the .p12 file on your computer.
5. Enter a password and then click Import.
For more information about certificates in XenMobile, see the Certificate section.
To renew an APNs certificate
To renew an APNs certificate, you need to perform the same steps you would if you were creating a new certificate. Then, you visit the and upload the new certificate. After logging on, you see your existing certificate or you may see a certificate that was imported from your previous Apple Developers account. On the Certificates Portal, the only difference when renewing the certificate is that you click Renew. You must have a developer account with the Certificates Portal in order to access the site.
Certificates. If the certificate is expired, however, do not revoke the certificate.
1. Generate a CSR using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
2. Click Renew.
3. Generate a PCKS #12 (.pfx) APNs certificate using Microsoft IIS.
4. Update the new APNs certificate to XenMobile in Configure > Settings > Certificates.
5. In Import dialog box, import the new certificate.
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