Pre-Installation Checklist
You can use this checklist to note the prerequisites and settings for installing XenMobile 10. Each task or note includes a column indicating the component or function for which the requirement applies. For installation steps, see XenMobile.
Basic Network Connectivity
The following are the network settings you need for the XenMobile solution.
XenMobile requires you to purchase licensing options for NetScaler Gateway and XenMobile. For more information about Citrix Licensing, see .
XenMobile and NetScaler Gateway require certificates to enable connections with other Citrix products and app and from user devices. For details, see .
You need to open ports to allow communication with the XenMobile components. For a complete list of ports you need to open, see .
You need to configure a database connection. The XenMobile repository requires a Microsoft SQL Server database running on one of the following supported versions: Microsoft SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008 R2, or SQL Server 2008. Citrix recommends using Microsoft SQL remotely. PostgreSQL is included with XenMobile and should be used locally or remotely only in test environments.
User Connections: Access to XenDesktop, XenApp, and Worx Home
Citrix recommends that you use the Quick Configuration wizard in NetScaler to configure connection settings between XenMobile and NetScaler Gateway and between XenMobile and Worx Home. You create a second virtual server to enable user connections from Receiver and web browsers to connect to Windows-based applications and virtual desktops in XenApp and XenDesktop. Citrix recommends that you use the Quick Configuration wizard in NetScaler to configure these settings as well.
Known Issues
The following are known issues for XenMobile 10.0.
For a list of fixed issues in this release, see .
-->Worx Home may show gray placeholders instead of icons when an iOS device is updated from iOS 7 to iOS 8 and then restarted. This is a third-party issue. [#502879]
-->During enrollment, iOS devices may experience errors during or after mobile device management (MDM) profile installation. Users may see "Cocoa error 4097," on devices running iOS 8.1, or "Profile cannot be decrypted," on devices running earlier versions of iOS. If this occurs, users should try enrolling again. In some cases, it may take more than one attempt. [#507948]
-->You cannot make checkUserPassword and addGroup SOAP calls in the USER group class in XenMobile 10. The User API changes appear in the database, but not on device user interfaces. [#511551, #511822]
-->The ability to change the deployment order of delivery group resources from the XenMobile web console is not available. If you want to control the deployment order, rename your resources to follow the deployment protocol used by XenMobile: numerical (1, 2, 3, …), uppercase alphabetical (A, B, C, …), and lowercase alphabetical (a, b, c, …). A resource with a name beginning with 24 would be deployed before a resource with a name beginning with WM, and both resources would deploy before a resource with a name beginning with tw. [#512566]
-->SafeSearch is disabled and set to moderate on Windows Phone 8.1 devices when the Filter Adult Content restriction is enabled. [#513605]
-->When you deploy Windows 8.1 tablet device policies, before XenMobile receives an acknowledgment from the device that the policy has executed, you may see the policies listed in the Deployed tab in Device details in the XenMobile console. [#514749]
-->When re-enrolling a device, enrollment may fail if users re-enroll too soon after un-enrolling. [#516567]
-->Occasionally, when users re-enroll in Worx Home, XenMobile presents a cached SSL session and users see the enrollment screen again. When this occurs, users should re-enroll again. [#517301]
-->App enumeration fails when delivery groups are defined with Active Directory groups belonging to parent and child domains using the AND operator. To prevent this situation, use the OR operator when defining the delivery groups. [#518084]
-->If you configure a setting or policy in the XenMobile console in which you upload a file (certificate, PDF, font, and so on), if you later view the policy or setting details, the file name does not appear. [#519552]
-->XenMobile does not support authentication with a PIN in mobile app management (MAM) mode for iOS and Android devices. If you configure this mode as the default in the XenMobile console, users must enter their credentials twice in Worx Home. [#519572]
-->If you disable the AllUsers group as a delivery group in the XenMobile console, users who not belong to any delivery group cannot enroll a device but can log on to the Self Help Portal. [#521393]
-->Worx Home for Windows Phone 8.x, in mobile device management mode, only supports apps from public stores when they are deployed as optional. If these apps are added to the delivery group as required, they do not appear in Worx Home. [#521524]
-->The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Info page appears to allow you to edit the default Admin template. Despite changes you make in the RBAC template field and elsewhere, these changes are not saved to the Admin template. The Admin template is designed to not be edited. [#521540]
-->On iOS devices, the provisioning of the SAML token when users enroll in Worx Home and configure their ShareFile accounts may be out of sync. As a workaround, users can sign off and back on to Worx Home and then log on to the ShareFile app in order to trigger the SAML token request again. [#521934]
-->On most devices, when users running Android devices tap the Menu icon, the Accept and Decline menu options appear, allowing users to continue the enrollment process. On some devices running operating systems earlier than 4.0, however, such as the Samsung Tablet GT-P7510, the Menu icon does not appear on the Terms and Conditions page in default view, and users cannot complete the enrollment process. As a workaround, you can exempt the devices from the Terms and Conditions deployment. [#524039]
-->Worx Home on iOS devices cannot connect to Worx Store if the default store name on the Beacons page of the XenMobile console (Configure > Settings > More > Beacons) is changed. The default setting is Store. If this setting is changed, the Discovery Service fails during logon and Worx Store cannot be found. To avoid this failure, leave the Store name setting on the Beacons page set to Store. [#523306]
-->In a XenMobile configuration with load balancing and SSL offload, when you configure SAML apps, in order for single sign-on (SSO) to work when users install WorxWeb and open a Service Provider-initiated app, all references to the XenMobile server must point to port 8443 instead of to port 443. [#528680]
-->When you create a Samsung KNOX passcode policy, when you configure the Lock device after (minutes of activity) setting even though the setting in the console lists minutes as the unit, the server enforces the lock in seconds. [#531204]
-->You cannot configure your own SAML service and identity provider in XenMobile 10 in order to authenticate users and their devices. [#530892]
-->You cannot add a single BlackBerry or Windows device in the XenMobile console. [#532844]
-->If you configure a SAML app with the number sign (#) in the name, single sign-on (SSO) from Worx Home does not work and an error message appears. [#533078]
-->When you add a generic PKI (GPKI) entity in the XenMobile console, you cannot test the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) URL adapter connection during the configuration. [#533871]
-->Windows tablet password policies do not take effect immediately on devices and some inconsistencies in enforcement of updates to the minimum password lengths occur. This is a third-party issue. [#534088]
-->When users enroll an iOS device in mobile device management (MDM) mode, the Security options in the XenMobile console on the Manage > Devices page for locating and tracking the device do not immediately appear. After a short delay, the options appear. [#534672]
-->If you configure StoreFront Delivery Controller display name with a special character in the name, such as a period (.), users cannot subscribe to and open apps with XenApp through Worx Home. The error, "Cannot complete your request" appears. As a workaround, remove special characters from the name. [#535497]
-->Apps do not appear in the Worx Store for iOS devices earlier than iOS 8 if you type a value in the Excluded devices field in the XenMobile console when you add and configure the app. As a workaround, you can configure a deployment rule to specify the devices that can install the app. [#537631]
-->When you configure NetScaler Gateway connections with XenMobile on a port other than the default 443, mobile app management (MAM) enrollment fails on iOS devices as well as Worx Home on Windows devices. [#537368]
-->Special characters like $, @ and " are not recognized in passwords for the CLI when installing XenMobile 10 and those assigned to certificates; the special character and all characters following it are ignored and the log on fails. Subsequent to installation, the CLI password cannot be changed to include special characters. [#541997] [#542436]
-->An invalid profile error occurs when you try to configure the iOS Device Enrollment Program in the XenMobile console. This is a third-party issue. [#608213]
The following are known issues for XenMobile Mail Manager 10.0.
-->The installed XenMobile Mail Manager version always displays as 8.5 during upgrade to XenMobile Mail Manager 10; however, the upgrade to XenMobile Mail Manager occurs. [#539520]
-->Reporting of â€oedevices found― in the minor snapshot may be confusing. The same device or devices may be reported as â€oenew― in the successive minor snapshot summaries when the minor snapshots are run subsequent to the start of a major snapshot.
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